Detox Drink Synthetic Urine Permanent Marijuana Detox Kits Heater Pad Pre-Tox Capsules Detoxifying Capsules Total Body Cleanse Single Panel Dip Card 6 Panel Dip Card Saliva Mouthwash Oral Alert Alcohol Test Strips Ultra Cleanse Shampoo
Methamphetamines Synthetic Drugs
6 Panel Dip CardiScreen 6 Panel Dip Card
Heater PadHeat Factory Synthetic Urine
Detoxifying CapsulesSupreme Klean Fast Flush Detoxifying Capsules
Total Body CleanseSupreme Klean Total Body Cleanse
Supreme Klean Saliva Mouthwash

Supreme Klean Saliva Mouthwash


Supreme Klean Saliva Mouthwash? mouthwash effectively cleanses toxins from your mouth. Easy to use. Just swish and spit. If you are subject to oral saliva drug testing with a swab, make sure you are prepared. This mouthwash is highly effective. Place in mouth and swish for 2-3 minutes. Your mouth will now be coated with solution and saliva will be clean of toxins for approximately 30-40 minutes. Extended effectiveness for up to 30 minutes. This product will save you in a pinch!! 200% 2-Times Money Back Guarantee. Works every time!

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Supreme Klean Saliva Pre-Cleanse Caps

Supreme Klean Saliva Pre-Cleanse Caps


These capsules help boost the effectiveness of the mouthwash by helping loosen and flush oil soluble substances from fatty tissues in the body. Use these saliva pre-cleanse capsules if you have high toxin levels and/or you are overweight. These capsules are to be taken on the day prior to your saliva drug test and are extremely effective against high toxin levels when it comes to drug testing.

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Random Drug Testing?

Will Ultra Washtablets work on within the setting of an unannounced, random urinalysis?

No, Ultra Washtablets will not work on random drug tests. Random urinalysis is the most effective drug test for the very reason that it comes in surprising fashion. For this reason, many opt for the , the ultimate, best-selling drug testing solution for emergency drug tests. Ultra Washand other products on designed for same-day drug test detoxification are best taken after a 48-hour period free from all consumed toxins.

Drug Test Confidence?

Drug testing via urinalysis or hair follicle, whether it be for marijuana, ecstasy, or anabolic steroids, is a very intimidating, almost violating experience for some. is the veteran drug testing detox solution company, spanning an incredible track record for nearly an entire decade. Together with, our never ending quest for the advancement of drug testing solutions is one that will lead to new, exciting and high tech discoveries.

Ultra Wash is the perfect example of an extremely effective drug testing solution utilizing advanced Saliva technology.

We are very confident about this new drug testing product, and feel comfortable providing it to you.

As with all our products, Ultra Washtablets are backed by a from 100% to 500% double your money back guarantee. and PADT is your drug testing solutions ally.

Drug Testing Success?

Ultra Washtablets are a relatively new product, but so far the feedback has been nothing other than spectacular. We felt this product took a while to develop and deploy to the market, but has shown to be worth the wait. Ultra Washtablets are on their way to joining the common success rate of 99% found in all products.

Drug Test Bottom Line?

Rapid entry (one hour) and extended Clean Zone time -- up to five hours for you to be "in the clear" -- plus, is easy to consume with a delicious citrus flavor utilizing advanced Saliva technology. Cost effective.

Drug Testing Tips & Techniques

Passing a drug test has never been easier. For maximum effectiveness, abstain from toxins for up to 48 hours, and then drop the two Ultra Washtablets in a glass of water. Watch the tablets fizz within the citrus-flavored water solution, drink it down, wait an hour and then you're in the clear for up to five hours. During the after-mentioned period, implement some cardiovascular exercise (brisk walking, bicycling, and such), drinking plenty of water, and cranberry juice.

Permanent Detox Kit

Urine Drug Testing

Saliva Drug Testing

Hair Drug Testing

Blood Drug Testing

Random Drug Testing

DISCLAIMER: Statements made on this web site are for informational purposes only and are not intended to be substituted for the advice of a medical professional. You should read all product packaging prior to use. Information and statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or medical condition. We do not condone or encourage illegal activity. You understand and agree that our products are not to be used for any illegal purposes, including use for lawfully administered drug tests. Beat Drug Test, Blood Test, Home Test Kit, How To Pass A Drug Test, Saliva Tests, THC Test, Urine Testing, Clean Zone, Quick Fix (patent pending), , Ultra Klean XL Detox Drink, Carbo Cleansing Shake, Whole Body Cleanse, Ultra Wash, Quick Flush Capsules, Daily Pre-Tox, and Hair Follicle Shampoo are registered trademarks of Health Choice. Please read our Terms and Conditions of Use for additional information.

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